You must be looking for a Johns Creek Mole Trapping or Mole Control Company or you would not have found our website. We would love to help you. WE ARE THE COMPANY THAT OUR FRIENDLY COMPETITORS TURN TO FOR US TO TAKE OVER A JOB WHERE THEY HAVE FAILED — WE SUCCEED!

Eastern moles, commonly found in yards and gardens, can cause a range of damage due to their tunneling activities. These small mammals have strong, spade-like front limbs designed for digging, and their underground burrowing can result in several problems for homeowners. As they create a network of tunnels in search of earthworms and insects, their excavations can uproot plants, damage the roots of grass, and create unsightly molehills on the surface. The disruption of soil can also lead to a loss of soil nutrients and water, which can affect the health and appearance of the lawn.

Our Mole Trapping jobs includes Four (4) visits spread out over a two (2) – three (3) week timeframe. We always start with Mole Trapping, possibly add in some Mole Baiting and lastly we could bring Mole Tunnel Gassing when a yard or tunnel is conducive to it. The Mole traps are placed underground. We flag everywhere that we have a trap so it signals everyone to stay away from that area.
We usually recommend the day before or possibly two days before we are scheduled to start that the client goes into their yard where the have mole activity and do what I affectionately call “penguin walk” which means walk with the toes spread out to cover as wide of an area and slowly walk to smoosh down tunnels. It helps us to make the most out of your trapping dollars, if we can reduce the tunnels when we arrive to freshly made tunnels. It helps us to help you.
Suggested Changes to Maximize Results:
- Have a back-up plan or game plan in place if you have dogs that typically use the area where we are trapping. We highly recommend that you walk your dog in the opposite part of the yard
- Continue to water the lawn as you normally do. If you normally do not and your lawn is dry we will require that you water it while we are trapping.
- Ask the landscapers or lawn guys to pause your services or avoid the area where we are trapping for our trapping duration.
Please note the colder that it gets the deeper the worms and grubs go. The deeper worms & grubs go the deeper the predator (mole) goes after food. Our traps are just below the surface. That is why we will start to turn away mole trapping service when we feel the results will no longer be successful.
Southern Wildlife Management has been providing Mole Trapping services for over 15 years now. We will do our best to be your “GO TO” Company for all things Wildlife & Pest Control.

Eastern moles are fascinating creatures with several unique and cool characteristics:
- Subterranean Marvels: Eastern moles are expert diggers and spend almost their entire lives underground. Their powerful front limbs are adapted for digging tunnels with incredible speed and precision.
- Extraordinary Feeding Technique: Moles have a high metabolism and need to eat a lot to sustain their energy levels. They consume insects, earthworms, and other invertebrates, paralyzing them with venomous saliva and storing them alive in special underground chambers for future consumption.
- Nocturnal Navigators: Eastern moles are primarily nocturnal, which means they are most active during the night. Their sensitivity to light makes them well-suited for a subterranean lifestyle.
- Unusual Eyes: Moles have very tiny eyes that are covered by skin and fur, rendering them functionally blind. Their sight is extremely limited, so they rely heavily on their other senses, such as touch and smell.
- Tremendous Tunnels: A single eastern mole can create an extensive network of tunnels, covering up to 18 feet per hour. These tunnels serve as their homes and hunting grounds, and they can dig at different depths depending on the availability of prey.
- Amazing Echolocation: Although blind, moles have an impressive sense of touch. They use their highly sensitive snouts to detect vibrations and sound waves, effectively employing a form of echolocation to locate prey and navigate through tunnels.
- Unique Star-Nosed Mole: The star-nosed mole, a close relative of the eastern mole, boasts a remarkable adaptation – a star-like arrangement of 22 fleshy, pink appendages around its nose, which it uses to touch, taste, and explore its surroundings at an astonishing speed.
- Lifespan and Reproduction: Eastern moles have a relatively short lifespan, usually living for only a few years. They typically mate in late winter or early spring, with females giving birth to litters of three to five pups.
- Solitary Creatures: Moles are generally solitary animals, and they tend to have minimal social interactions. Each mole typically maintains its own tunnel system and foraging territory.
- Valuable Soil Aerators: Despite the challenges they may pose to lawns and gardens, moles serve as valuable soil aerators, improving soil structure and aiding in the decomposition of organic matter.
Eastern moles are intriguing creatures with a host of adaptations that enable them to thrive in their subterranean world. While they might not be the most visible wildlife, their unique features make them a captivating subject of study in the field of biology.